Track the HR metrics that really matter

  • January 16, 2014

You probably track several HR-related numbers, but are you sure you’re tracking the right ones? Here are some of the more common metrics that experts say HR...

Adjusting to life with a new boss

  • January 15, 2014

A new boss can introduce a lot of new elements to your work life, such as a new leadership style, a new way of communicating and new expectations. Career coach Joyce...

Honest investigation all that’s required

  • January 13, 2014

Do you sometimes worry that you made a mistake during an investigation? Or that you believed the wrong person? You needn’t lose sleep over it. Courts won’t...

NLRA and Taft-Hartley Act

  • January 13, 2014

HR Law 101: In 1935 Congress passed the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), giving workers the right to organize, to bargain collectively and to strike. By the late...

Retailer learns that dyslexia is a disability

  • January 09, 2014

The EEOC sued a Munice, Ind., Dollar General retailer on a dyslexic employee’s behalf and won a $47,500 settlement. The employee had asked for help reading during...

Leadership lessons from Mayberry

  • January 09, 2014

With the passing of actor Andy Griffith in 2012, his most famous TV character, Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry, is worth another look for his low-key brand of...

Dilbert’s creator talks about the passion

  • January 03, 2014

Cartoonist Scott Adams has written a book that skewers traditional business self-improvement manuals as deftly as Catbert the Evil Director of Human Resources ...

Avoiding the ambush approach

  • January 01, 2014

When an employee or coworker is out of line, you need to address the behavior. While you must discuss the sensitive topic with the person, you should also provide...

3 tech tools make meetings matter

  • December 23, 2013

Using a few tech tools can make your meeting and your note-taking go a lot smoother. Christopher Null at PC World offers three suggestions to get the job done easier.

5 tips on business trip etiquette

  • December 12, 2013

The way you look and act while on a business trip reflects back on your employer. Avoid making a bad impression on your next work trip. Follow these five tips for...

For Chipotle’s Steve Ells, less is more

  • December 05, 2013

Leaders of large organizations cannot meet regularly with every employee to reinforce important points. So a CEO needs to take creative steps to communicate to a...