Do you find yourself thinking you have what it takes to accept more responsibility? Here are five things you can do to position yourself for upward mobility.
As a manager, you know how important it is to use the correct employment terms with employees. Using the wrong terms can expose your company to expensive lawsuits. The...
In May, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that employers may include language in arbitration agreements that bars employees from filing class-action lawsuits to resolve...
If an employee has a contract with his employer that specifically limits his discharge, then at-will employment does not apply. This situation can get tricky if your...
California wage-and-hour law can be complicated. For example, California allows establishment of something called alternative workweek schedules. Employees have to...
It sounds like mission impossible: ensuring that your boss has time for priority work and that he or she never arrives late for a meeting. But you wield much more...
Sometimes it’s unavoidable: You’ve just got to have your child with you in the office to get past a spot where there’s no caregiver available. Here’s how to...
Democratic wins in November's midterm elections could influence the HR agenda on Capitol Hill, according to Michael Aitken, vice president of government affairs at the...
The problem: A terminated employee fails to return company equipment, such as a laptop. How do you get it back? You have different options to consider, depending on your...
Puzzled over low—or no—responses to your emails? They may be too complicated, according to findings by Boomerang, makers of productivity software. Here’s what the...
Workers on Netflix film production crews in the United Kingdom aren't supposed to look at one another for longer than five seconds, according to new anti-harassment...
Not every employee who needs FMLA leave has to take a continuous block of time off. They may need short amounts of leave to go to medical appointments, check in for...
Here are updates on the interaction between the FMLA and the ADA, and on the U. S. Department of Labor’s new guidance on the FLSA and higher educational institutions.
Generally, employers should be careful to discipline workers in a consistent manner. Employees who break the same rule should earn the same punishment. However,...