The questions surrounding who is exempt and who is non-exempt from overtime obligations under the FLSA have spurred hundreds of class action lawsuits costing employers...
When starting at a new company, or even making beneficial changes at an older business, building relationships is just as important as your other tasks.
When an employee complains that a supervisor is behaving in a discriminatory way, employers must ensure there is no retaliation. Even small things can lead to a big...
The ability to give instructions is a vital skill for an HR pro or manager. And it is a skill—one you can learn and improve on. Here are some guidelines.
In the business world, sending messages through Twitter, texting, Facebook or email is certainly easier than writing a handwritten note. But what is often missing in...
Unlimited vacation has become a popular benefits trend. The idea is simple: Employees take as much vacation as they want so long as they get their work done.
A Pennsylvania court has ruled that a former housekeeper can collect unemployment compensation even though she quit after a bottle-waving boss badgered her to take drug...
For decades, Jack Welch embraced the up-or-out model of managing employees. The former CEO of General Electric instructed managers to rate every staffer and...
Sometimes, it takes an absence to discover that an employee wasn’t doing her job well. But some HR professionals and supervisors fear disciplining a worker if...