The hole left when an outstanding employee departs can seem big enough to swallow up the productivity of that person’s whole department. But it doesn’t have...
Employees have to wait a year before becoming eligible for FMLA leave. But you should let them know about the law and what benefits it provides before they hit their...
Before disciplining an employee who says she did what she did because her supervisor told her it was OK, make sure others following the same informal rule were treated...
It’s not just harassment from co-workers and supervisors that can become the basis for a hostile environment claim. When a subordinate harasses his boss and the...
Doctor tops the Harris Poll’s latest list of most admired occupations. More than 2,500 Americans were asked to rate the relative prestige of various jobs. Here...
Here’s something to consider when you decide to add an arbitration clause to applications and require employees sign them as a condition of employment: You may...
After more than two years of testing a Doritos-flavored taco shell, Taco Bell still had not signed a contract to partner with the company that made Doritos. So as the...
Do you have a place where an employee can pump breast milk? If you don’t have a spare room or want to dodge the renovation costs of creating such a room, there is...
Here’s some advice that can save you money you might otherwise have spent defending an FMLA lawsuit: If an employee has accrued enough absences under your...
Here’s a cautionary tale about changing a new employee’s job duties soon after hire. He or she may claim the real reason is discrimination if the change...
A Harrisburg area gentlemen’s club faces a federal lawsuit alleging it failed to pay exotic dancers the minimum wage and proper overtime. Four dancers filed suit...
Employees who have a pending request for FMLA leave and are just waiting for their doctor to provide the required medical certification must still follow call-in...
You can feel put upon and taken advantage of when work is dumped on you. It’s tempting to speak up when it isn’t in your job description to complete those...
Q. We have 75 employees at our one facility. An employee recently took two months off for a serious operation. We did not classify this as FMLA leave, but now we think...
Steve Reinemund, Pepsi’s former CEO, recalls an incident in which his counterpart at Coca-Cola called out of the blue. Coke’s CEO thanked Reinemund for his...