Nonexempt employees must be paid for all hours they work. Time clocks and other time-tracking systems are designed to ensure workers receive all the pay they are...
Employers must reasonably accommodate disabled workers so they can perform the essential functions of their jobs. But at what point does absenteeism make it impossible...
Workers have just two years to file a lawsuit over alleged FMLA violations unless they can prove their employer willfully violated the law. If they can, they get another...
Final statewide sexual harassment policy and training guidelines have finally been issued in New York, and the rules differ significantly in several important ways....
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is ramping up its efforts to ensure everyone who works in the United States is authorized to do so. Audits of employers’ I-9...
Ensure that the method you use to track hours and calculate overtime is easily defensible and accurate. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, it is your responsibility to...
When Teresa Walsh started looking for a new job, she spent five minutes a day meditating. Mindfulness practices keep people in the moment, engaged in the activity at...
It’s good business to review your employee handbook once a year and revise it as necessary. Answer these 15 questions to gauge its thoroughness and reliability:
As a result of a provision in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the rollover distribution rules are now more relaxed for rollovers of defaulted loans resulting from plan...
Under the right (or wrong) circumstances, a relatively high-level employee may be held personally liable for a company’s failure to follow the overtime and minimum...