While you can’t expect an employee to leave a termination meeting happy, you can take a few simple steps to calm the person down and reduce the chances that he or...
Disabled employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations that allow them to perform the essential functions of their jobs. Employers cannot simply develop a list of...
Employee lawsuits are exploding nationwide in the past few years and manager mistakes are the cause of many of those lawsuits. That's why it's important to at least know...
On April 27, the WHD announced it had recovered $2,079,596 in back wages and liquidated damages for 87 attendants working at 25 southern New Jersey gas stations.
An employee who complains about perceived discrimination may be wrong, but filing a complaint still counts as protected activity. If she files an EEOC complaint or a...
Typically, workers sue after being fired or otherwise subjected to an adverse employment action such as a demotion. But sometimes, aggrieved employees can quit and still...
Nearly a third of women (32%) do not think they are making the same pay as men in their organization who have similar experience and qualifications, compared to 12% of...
Even your best employees have communication habits that get under your skin. Follow this advice on how to respond—and put an end to these annoying communication gaffes.
President Trump has nominated Washington, D.C.-area attorney Sharon Fast Gustafson to be the new general counsel to the EEOC. The general counsel is the...
#MeToo spawned the multimillion-dollar #TimesUp fund that pays lawyers to help working-class women press sexual harassment claims in court. For employers, that means you...
Don’t wait for employees to bolt before you communicate exactly how much their pay and benefits are really worth. Regularly give employees clear statements that spell...
Christy Crump, who has 25+ years of experience as an administrative professional, provides her top tips to diminish the fear of forgetting to record something important...