Many of your employees may occasionally have to deal with customers. Here's a primer to help them understand what it takes to not only hang on to customers, but leave...
Plenty of problems get on your nerves at work, but trying to fight every one of them will leave you exhausted and your colleagues thinking you’re a pain. Harvard...
Typically, a CEO who seeks to impress an important client will defer to the client’s wishes. But Linda Kaplan Thaler isn’t a typical CEO. As chief executive...
Employees have just 90 days from the date they receive an EEOC right-to-sue letter to file a federal discrimination lawsuit. However, 90 days isn’t as...
Running a global business with 1,500 employees means balancing steady leadership with an adaptable attitude that helps people withstand constant change. Irv Rothman has...
You have probably read that unpaid interns are suing employers for unpaid minimum wages and winning. Now they’re pushing the envelope even further,...
Avoid costly litigation by reviewing how you classify your employees as exempt or nonexempt. If you discover you have made a mistake, fix it right away....
HR Law 101: Some supervisors try to skirt the whole issue of firing someone by resorting to constructive discharge. Their logic: If we make an employee’s time at...
You don’t need to enroll in college to take undergraduate and graduate HR courses that enhance your knowledge and career. Universities and other sources offer free...
You probably track several HR-related numbers, but are you sure you’re tracking the right ones? Here are some of the more common metrics that experts say HR...
A new boss can introduce a lot of new elements to your work life, such as a new leadership style, a new way of communicating and new expectations. Career coach Joyce...
As technology becomes more and more intrusive, today’s employees naturally wonder how far their employers can pry. Carefully weigh whether any form of employee...
Ordinarily, if an employer can show it decided to terminate an employee before she announced her pregnancy, a pregnancy discrimination lawsuit won’t succeed. But...
Do you sometimes worry that you made a mistake during an investigation? Or that you believed the wrong person? You needn’t lose sleep over it. Courts won’t...
HR Law 101: In 1935 Congress passed the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), giving workers the right to organize, to bargain collectively and to strike. By the late...